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Immerse yourself in DevOps and FinOps cultures

Discover HFX Cloud Services

Cloud Discovery

  • Interviews to understand the company's moment and start discussions on possible paths and objectives.

  • Understanding of architectures and suggestion of evolution.

  • Identification of idle resources and bottlenecks.

  • Quick Wins - Identification of gains with little effort, low impact and fast execution.

Cloud Delivery

  • Well Architected - good architectural practices.

  • Rightsizing - Avoid wasting resources.

  • Auto Scaling - Allied to rightsizing allocating necessary resources according to demand.

  • Application Tuning - Code Efficiency.

  • Capacity Commitment - Anticipating the purchase of immutable resources ensuring long-term savings.

  • Resource Optimization - Guarantee the lowest price on the market for computing resources (spot).

Cloud Operation

  • Specialized 24x7 operation.

  • Infrastructure Management - Integration with technology teams.

  • KPIs - Creation of usage indicators based on the IT budget and alarms for behavior deviations. 

  • Fostering the FinOps Culture.

  • Creation of panels for technical monitoring,  functional and financial.

  • Dashboards for monitoring the health of environments integrated into the Operation.

Qualified professionals with extensive cloud experience

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